Friday, 17 February 2017

Pre-Production: Location Confirmed!

Location  was one of our hardest choices to  make. We needed something ideally run down, confine and cut off. Our first choice was down by the locks next to City Locks accommodation. However, we crossed that off as being too unsafe to get equipment and crew down there. We had considered using the film & animation classroom as there is a lot of white which is what we wanted to represent bland and no colour. But there was also the option to use my grandmother's garage which is not too far away in Mosley.

I have enquired and that location has been confirmed for us to  use. It appears fairly run down, is sealed off and has white walls. It ticks all the boxes and it allows us to set up our own set without the need for permissions or hassle. We shall commence filming there on 04/03/17.

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