Monday, 13 March 2017

Post Production: Rough Cut and Analysis of Rhythm and Cuts

With the corrected film in our possession, we set about getting a rough cut put together as soon as possible. Although all out film was shot on Blackmagic, we were able to open the files in Premiere Pro to  put a rough cut together that would outline the rhythm of the film and where we needed to add cuts and place shots:

At this stage of post, rhythm and intensity were the most important factors to consider. At the start of the film, the cuts were close together making the intensity high which is what we want to create to throw the audience straight into the action in preparing them for the reveal later on. From this point, the rhythm and cuts of the film are placed in a more "routine fashion" to match the protagonist's performance of routinely arriving and setting up at her art studio. It also gradually lowers the intensity and gives the audience time to recover from the high intensity and the start without missing any key plot points in the film later on,

For the scene where the protagonist looks at the painting with a motherly affection, the cuts are more spcaed out and the takes are the longest in these shots. This is so that we can really bring out the emotion in the protagonist and let it linger for the audience to absorb; so that they can feel sympathy towards the protagonist.

Finally, in the scene where the police break in, the cuts become closer together to raise the heightening intensity. And where the protagonist grows faint, the cuts are fragmented and appear more exposed.  However, this  is done to briefly put the audience in the protagonist's state of deliriousness; in the sense that the cuts make it seem that the action of her stumbling to the ground is happening faster than it should; almost like the audience is blinking too much.

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