Frame 1:
CU of hand/Camera dolly’s out with hand until shoulder comes into foregorund
Frame 2:
CU of face/face turns around to door behind them when banging starts
Frame 3:
MS door and banging /Camera dollies into door to CU
Frame 4:
Camera shakes with banging
Frame 5:
CU bag falls on floor/ camera at floor level
Frame 6:
MS from side protagonist does hair/ Dolly around to the front of protagonist.
Frame 7:
LA camera inside bag/ protagonist unzips the bag.
Frame 8:
HA/OS Protagonist takes out art materials and lays them down on floor/table/ camera pans 45 degrees to other side of shoulder as radio comes out
Frame 9:
CA radio on table as protagonist turns it on and takes their coat off; they then go to grab the jar of clotted blood
Frame 10: (to be placed in the middle of Frame 9):
MS of protagonist taking their coat off
Frame 11:
CU Protagonist finds that jar of blood cannot be used
Frame 12:
CU from behind canvas at ground level, protagonist kneeling down takes off their shirt showing silhouette.
Frame 13:
CU of protagonist’s arm as the walk to the side of the canvas.
Frame 14:
CU protagonist grabs sharp edge
Frame 15:
MS protagonist sits down and rubs her stomach with the surgical scar
Frame 16:
CU Protagonist’s face as they prepare to cut
Frame 17:
HA protagonist prepares to cut themselves
Frame 18:
MS from side of protagonist where she starts to cut through their skin
Frame 19:
CA Looking through a jar as the protagonist cuts themselves
Frame 20:
CU protagonist’s face showing pain but resilience
Frame 21:
CU the sharp edge drops on the floor and camera pans up to her arm where a stream of blood drops off her fingers into a pallet.
Frame 22:
HA protagonist sits as they fill the pallet up and rubs their stomach with their free hand
Frame 23:
CU protagonist rubs the scar on her stomach then slowly starts to cry for a moment
Frame 24:
POV Acetate and blood is painted as if it’s over the camera lens
Frame 25:
CU (camera behind protagonist) protagonist’s hand begins to stroke along the sheet. Camera moves around to a CU facing the front of her showing her expressions as she paints.
Frame 26:
CU she dips her hand into the jar to add more blood to it. Camera then focuses into the background on the radio where there is an interference sound in the music of a police raid.
Frame 27:
MS Protagonist stops to look over at the radio but carries on painting. However the interference becomes louder.
Frame 28:
HA protagonist starts to paint faster
Frame 29:
CU hand strokes long the sheet but it begins to tremble then banging begins
Frame 29:
MS, Police prepare to break in
Frame 30:
CU of face/face turns around to door behind them when banging starts
Frame 31:
MS door and banging /Camera dollies into door to CU
Frame 32:
CU protagonist begins to feel light headed and faints to the ground gradually.
Frame 33:
MS, camera follows her movement as she collapses to her knees
Frame 34:
Camera shakes with banging then door bursts open.
Frame 35:
BEV police run in with a triangular formation, camera tilts with them about 90 degrees
Frame 36:
CU protagonist is collapsed on the floor, attempts to get up but is tackled down.
Frame 37:
LA camera on the floor as armoured police restrains protagonist
Frame 38:
MS other police stop to look at the painting
Frame 39:
MS/OS Armoured police turns to the others then turns to look at the painting
Frame 40:
MS camera pans across to show polices’ expressions to the painting
Frame 41:
OS Shot reveals the painting/dolly’s in until shoulders are out of shot
Frame 42:
HA protagonist lies on the ground and smiles gently.
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