Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Pre-Production: Beginning Ideas

I began to brainstorm themes and concepts from my chosen text. What sparked my off in the beginning was the idea that humans don't know who they are. Instead, they define themselves with other things; for example, their fashion sense, what music they listen to, what films they like. To ask someone who they truly are is impossible for them to say on their own because in today's society, everyone defines themselves by the personalities associated with what they like. This of course changes with the changing of history and culture which makes the definition of who someone truly is biased.

I want to apply the use of the World Navel into my story; only making it more human. What I mean by this is that something inside a person is the centre of who they are; that all these multiple definitions of what a person is revolves around a source that is unique and individual in every human being.

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