Friday, 14 April 2017

Pre-Production: Developing Ideas

Idea 1: A story on reflection

  • Using projection mapping to help tell the feelings of the story
  • Life cycle of a tree in reflection with the life choices of protagonist


A quest of discovering purpose in life leads a character to find that the answer is not so indifferent from nature as they think.


  • The protagonist has spent their entire life to solve a problem set in a wager with an anonymous figure they met in a bar, "What is the universal lie of human virtue?". This bet has consumed their every thought, action and emotion because they cannot find the answer. Just when they lose heart and prepare to give up, they take a moment out of their day to sit down and really think about what the problem really means. Under a tree at the end of winter, they look at one last dead leaf falling from the tree and then they notice the new buds growing through. It becomes apparent to them that this may have helped them solve the problem. "Humans can be false to their nature, but under everything, there is potential to be true to their virtues." 

Idea 2: A story about rhythm

  • Editing sound design in a way that links two completely irrelevant plot lines with a common connection of rhythm
  • Composed of an actor's performance and a dance choreography 



  • The protagonist battles with an internal struggle of trusting people and trusting themselves. They've turned away from religion and they've turned away from love because no one has shown them love in return. They want to open up more but they doubt themselves. they feel alone around people and they have no one to talk to. However, they find comfort in and around nature which is where they find someone who shares something in common with them.
  • Alternatively: 
  • Simultaneously, this story is told in the form of a dance reflecting the animal behaviour of a wolf dancer that mirrors the behaviours of the protagonist. The dance begins very lonesome and gradually gets more aggressive up to the climax where the dance becomes calmer; ending on a form of meditation and contentment as the dance concludes.

Idea 3: Idea 2 Alteration:


He's lost the connection to his own heart, nature's beat can help him tune back in. 


  • The story tells of a person who is battling an internal conflict of choice and motivation. They attempt to seek the hand of someone that they admire; only to be betrayed by their friend in return. Throughout their defeat, they struggle to live with themselves and resent everything that they are. Whilst they contemplate in a dark place, they take a look at the last dying leaf of a plant which makes them go out into the woods for solitude. As they do, they look deep into themselves and realise that the way to  heal is to love who they are and rejoice in what they stand for. They return from the woods an "enlightened" person and they are ready to live life for their best interest.

  • Simultaneously, the internal reflections of their struggle are mirrored by a wolf dance that takes place between cuts. The wolf lives among the pack and feels proud and mighty in protecting them in their home. Until one day, hunters and builders come and destroy their home leaving the pack to wander the wilds aimlessly. Over time, the wolves of the pack begin to leave the alpha male until he is alone with no one left for him to protect. For a time, he wonders the wilderness alone; until he looks up at the moon and acts to howl under its full glow. After which he meets a female who respects him and would seek to help him rebuild his noble pack.

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