Location: Staunton Harold Estate
In order to try and create the feeling of being lost in the wild/wilderness, I chose to do location scouting in areas of woodland off the beaten track. One such area was the woodland in Staunton Harold Estate. Open to the public but when going off the general walking routes, some very cut off, overgrown places can be found. I needed to select a place that could be used as a form of shelter and not too far out in the open; as the protagonist of the film is trying to survive on their own.
This is the location chosen for the shoot. Looking at it from the point of view in the frame, there is a 180 degree tree line in the background and a sheltered, mildly spacious area of ground surrounded by overgrowth. With the tall trees in the backdrop, it gives the impression that there is no way of knowing how the protagonist got lost in these woods, and there is no obvious solution as to how they will find a way out. This is all the more reason for them to settle down and try to light a fire. for warmth and for their moral.
This area also overlooks the pond situated in the backdrop of the previous picture. This is good for a scene where the protagonist is at the pinnacle of their despair and looks at themselves in the water. the pond itself, is also another obstacle that is fencing in the protagonist inside their sheltered area of land.
What is also good about this area is the shape of the tree in the centre of the shots. It is arched over so that it is not just shelter, but looking at it from the perspective in the image above, it produces the visual components of line and space. This being that the branches are stretching diagonally and are rather ambiguous. This is great for the scenes where the protagonist is shown to be struggling to stay morrally uplifted as the smoke rises from the ashes; from the act of being caged in by the diagonal branches.
With the location now confirmed and a recce competed, the earliest I can get out there to film will be 13/05/17.
In the meantime, I will spend time on the visual components with precision, run a test shoot on Monday night in order to construct the sound over the next week.
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